What is Personality?

Personality is a preference towards certain measurement tools we use to perceive, evaluate, and act. This preference is not rooted in our DNA nor destined by our upbringing, however are still reinforced neurologically due to being more likely to use what has worked for us before rather than what would be best for situation. Though each personality has strengths, the goal is to become proficient with all the measurement tools so that we can use the right tool for the job. A.M.E. is not designed to label or stereotype people. Its purpose is to identify your own reflexive preferences so that you can notice opportunities to practice using tools you are not as proficient with rather than just respond to reflexes in what we notice, how we evaluate, and what we do.

What do your early memories say about you?

Memories might seem unreliable, but the themes they have are much more useful for identifying personality traits compared with answering questions about how you see yourself or your habits.

Aphantasia and A.M.E.

Some people think in pictures and others don’t. Researchers are scrambling to figure out why roughly 5% of people don’t visualize; however, a resent study we did showed it was a personality preference for other conceptualization tools.

ADHD and Personality

Is ADHD a disorder? Is an amphetamine based stimulant the solution? It doesn’t seem to be a disorder that of the 7 possible tools of conceptualization that one would be inherently better than another. In ADHD it is the tool Expansion, which innovates and creates new things which is preferred. This might be difficult for paying attention or staying on tasks with somethings, but very useful in inventing and creating others.

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Incorporate A.M.E. in your own Research

Personality plays a role in many aspects of our life—everything from physical and mental health, to politics and economics. To incorporate A.M.E. Text Analysis or the Personality survey into your research, contact us and it can be adapted to your specific application.

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Research grants available for graduate and undergraduate research projects. Send your research project proposal!

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Correlation is not causation, but noticing and exploring possible correlations and theoretic causations is what leads to discovery. Join us on reddit where trends that are noticed correlating with personality can be explored and research shared.


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