Dream Symbols: Bathroom

Bathroom in dreams or nightmares

Important note: The intention of dreams is to help you integrate yourself, which is an inward change, not outward, and definitely not directed towards other people. In your dreams, you are every character in your dreams. Other people are only the attribute they personify.

Food = Raw experience.

Bathroom = How you mitigate the problem of not processing everything.

Water - Emotions(also the meaningful aspect of memories)

Rocks - Conscious memories(logical instead of meaningful aspect)

House - Concept of yourself in relation to those close to you.

Clothes - Role or Identity

It is impossible to notice everything at once or even eventually. It is usually what we don’t notice that disrupts our intentions. This will always be the case: there will always be a discrepancy between what we are trying to do with what we see in front of us, and what actually happens because of what we don’t see, similar to how we always have nasty poop to deal with.

We can frame up our life so that the impact of what we don’t notice is minimized. This is where the symbol of the bathroom comes in.

Identity, in the sense of the intention to “prove” rather than “do” is what greatly exacerbates the problem of not noticing things. This is why in the bathroom, you have to at least in part remove part of your clothes, and at least once a day in order to shower you have to remove all your clothes.

If you dreamed about a bathroom, then it could be helpful to think of any complication that has come up recently because of something you didn’t notice. Also think of books or movies that have bathrooms and try to analogize it to your situation.


Dream Symbols: Bedroom / Sleeping


A Case Study in Personality Typing: Michael Pierce